
BorrowBox eBooks: Horror

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Author Title
(¿err¿tsen), ¿¿¿¿ (Tess) ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ (Asistent) (eBook)
Aaronovitch, Ben Rivers of London (eAudioBook)
Allnatt, Judith The Silk Factory (eBook)
Armstrong, Kelley Hunting Kat (eBook)
Ashby, Amanda; Rigby, Sally I Will Find You (eBook)
Atkinson, Heather The Missing Girls of Alardyce House (eBook)
Austen, Jane; Grahame-Smith, Seth Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (eBook)
BBC, ; Various, Fear on 4; 13 chilling BBC Radio 4 dramas (eAudioBook)
Bailey, Dale The Fallen; A Novel (eBook)
Bailey, Dale; Jr., Jack Slay Jr. Sleeping Policemen; A Novel (eBook)
Bardugo, Leigh Siege and Storm (eAudioBook)
Barnett, David Withered Hill (eBook)
Bass, Guy Stitch Head (eBook)
Beck, Greig Dark Rising (eAudioBook)
Beck, Greig This Green Hell (eAudioBook)
Beck, Greig Black Mountain (eAudioBook)
Beck, Greig Extinction Plague (eAudioBook)
Beck, Greig Gorgon (eAudioBook)
Beech, Louise I Am Dust (eAudioBook)
Billingham, Mark; Cocks, Peter Triskellion (eBook)
Billingham, Mark; Cocks, Peter The Gathering (eBook)
Bird, Faye My Second Life (eBook)
Black, P.R. The Family (eBook)
Blake, Olivie Masters of Death (eAudioBook)
Bray, Libba; Clare, Cassandra; Gray, Claudia; Johnson, Maureen; Mlynowski, Sarah Vacations From Hell (eBook)
Brite, Poppy Z. Are You Loathsome Tonight? (eBook)
Brogden, James Bone Harvest (eBook)
Brooks, Max The Zombie Survival Guide; Complete Protection from the Living Dead (eAudioBook)
Brooks, Max Closure, Limited and Other Zombie Tales (eAudioBook)
Brooks, Max World War Z (eAudioBook)
Bruce, Camilla The Witch in the Well (eBook)
Bruton, Catherine Following Frankenstein (eBook)
Burge, Rachel Waking the Witch (eAudioBook)
Burge, Rachel Waking the Witch (eBook)
Cabot, Meg; Harrison, Kim; Jaffe, Michele; Meyer, Stephenie; Myracle, Lauren Prom Nights from Hell (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Black Dawn (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Daylighters (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Fall of Night (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Last Breath (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Bite Club (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Bitter Blood (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Carpe Corpus (eBook)
Caine, Rachel The Dead Girls' Dance (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Fade Out (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Ghost Town (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Glass Houses (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Kiss of Death (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Lord of Misrule (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Midnight Alley (eBook)
Caine, Rachel Midnight Bites; Tales of Morganville (eBook)
Cantero, Edgar Meddling Kids (eBook)
Carson, Scott The Chill (eBook)
Carson, Scott Where They Wait; The Most Compulsive and Creepy Psychological Thriller of 2021 (eBook)
Carter, Chris The Death Watcher (eBook)
Carter, Chris Genesis (eBook)
Carver, Will The Beresford (eAudioBook)
Chapman, Clay McLeod What Kind of Mother (eBook)
Charlton, Darren Wranglestone (eAudioBook)
Child, Lincoln; Preston, Douglas Riptide (eBook)
Chupeco, Rin The Bone Witch (eBook)
Clark, Simon Darker (eBook)
Cleverly, Sophie A Case of Grave Danger; Unabridged edition (eAudioBook)
Coleman, Rowan The Girl at the Window; A Beautiful Story of Love, Hope and Family Secrets to Read This Summer (eBook)
Cooke, C.J. The Book of Witching (eAudioBook)
Cooke, C.J. The Book of Witching (eBook)
Cooke, C.J. The Ghost Woods (eAudioBook)
Cooke, C.J. The Lighthouse Witches (eBook)
Cooper, Catherine The Chateau; Unabridged Edition (eAudioBook)
Crouch, Blake Abandon (eBook)
Darnielle, John Universal Harvester (eBook)
Dawson, Juno Queen B (eBook)
Dawson, Juno Her Majesty's Royal Coven (eAudioBook)
Dawson, Juno The Shadow Cabinet (eAudioBook)
Deary, Terry Fire Flight (eBook)
Douglas, Louise The Room in the Attic (eBook)
Douglas, Louise The Secret of Villa Alba (eBook)
Dowd, Siobhan; Ness, Patrick A Monster Calls (eBook)
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Round the Fire Stories (eBook)
Ellwood, Nuala The House on the Lake; The New Gripping and Haunting Thriller From the Bestselling Author of Day of the Accident (eAudioBook)
Erskine, Barbara The Dream Weavers; ePub edition (eBook)
Estep, Jennifer Cold Burn of Magic (eBook)
Fitzek, Sebastian Playlist (eBook)
Fitzek, Sebastian Chilling Tales; 3-Book Crime Thriller Collection (eBook)
Fletcher, Tom The Creakers (eAudioBook)
Fluke, Joanne The Other Child (eBook)
Fluke, Joanne Wicked (eBook)
Frank, Anita The Lost Ones; Unabridged edition (eAudioBook)
Golden, Christopher Road of Bones (eBook)
Gorman, Carol Back from the Dead (eBook)
Graves, Hazel The Little Coffee Shop of Terrors (eBook)
Green, Simon R. Buried Memories (eBook)
Green, Simon R. Night Train to Murder (eBook)
Griffis, Gigi We Are the Beasts (eBook)
Griffis, Gigi We Are the Beasts (eAudioBook)
Hardinge, Frances Deeplight (eAudioBook)
Harris, Thomas Hannibal Rising (eAudioBook)
Harrison, Kim A Perfect Blood (eBook)
Harrison, Rachel Black Sheep (eBook)
Hegarty, Shane Worlds Explode ; ePub edition (eBook)
Hendrix, Grady The Final Girl Support Group (eBook)
Hendrix, Grady Horrorstor; A Novel (eBook)
Hendrix, Grady How to Sell a Haunted House (eBook)
Hendrix, Grady The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires; A Novel (eBook)
Hendrix, Grady The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires (eAudioBook)
Henry, Christina Horseman (eBook)
Henry, Christina Near the Bone (eBook)
Hill, Joe Joe Hill's The Cape (eBook)
Hill, Susan Dolly; A Ghost Story (eBook)
Hill, Susan The Man in the Picture; A Ghost Story (eBook)
Hill, Susan The Small Hand (eBook)
Hill, Susan The Travelling Bag; And Other Ghostly Stories (eAudioBook)
Hill, Susan The Travelling Bag; And Other Ghostly Stories (eBook)
Hill, Will The Secret History of a Teenage Vampire; ePub edition (eBook)
Hinchcliffe, Sally Hare House (eAudioBook)
Holder, Nancy Crimson Peak; The Official Movie Novelization (eBook)
Horowitz, Anthony Scared to Death; Ten Sinister Stories by the Master of the Macabre (eBook)
Hutchison, Barry A New York Nightmare! (eBook)
Hutchison, Barry Rise of the Ghostfather (eBook)
Hutchison, Barry Spectre Collectors; Too Ghoul For School (eBook)
Ibbotson, Eva Monster Mission (eBook)
Ireland, Justina Dread Nation (eBook)
Jackson, Kosoko The Forest Demands Its Due (eBook)
Jackson, Tiffany D. White Smoke (eAudioBook)
Jacobson, Jeff Growth (eBook)
James, Lauren The Reckless Afterlife of Harriet Stoker (eBook)
James, Peter The Secret of Cold Hill; From the Number One Bestselling Author of the DS Roy Grace Series (eAudioBook)
James, Peter The Secret of Cold Hill (eBook)
James, Rebecca The Woman in the Mirror; Unabridged edition (eAudioBook)
Jane, Pamela Little Goblins Ten (eAudioBook)
Jarvis, Timothy J. The Wanderer (eBook)
Jensen, Louise The Intruders; ePub edition (eBook)
Johnson, Abigail Girl on the Run (eAudioBook)
Johnson, Maureen The Madness Underneath; ePub edition (eBook)
Kagawa, Julie Soldier ; ePub edition (eBook)
Kasasian, M.R.C. The Horror of Haglin House (eAudioBook)
Katsu, Alma The Hunger (eAudioBook)
Kikuchi, Hideyuki Vampire Hunter D Omnibus: Book One (eBook)
Kikuchi, Hideyuki Vampire Hunter D Omnibus: Book Three (eBook)
Kikuchi, Hideyuki Vampire Hunter D Omnibus: Book Two (eBook)
Killick, Jennifer Crater Lake (eBook)
Killingworth, Gerald The Dead World of Lanthorne Ghules (eBook)
King, Joe The Funniest Spooky Joke Book Ever (eBook)
Knudsen, Michelle Evil Librarian (eBook)
Kot, Ales Bloodborne Volume 1: The Death of Sleep (eBook)
Kristoff, Jay Empire of the Damned; ePub Edition (eBook)
Kuznetsov, Sergey Butterfly Skin (eBook)
Landy, Derek A Mind Full of Murder (eBook)
Landy, Derek The Haunted House on Hollow Hill (eBook)
Landy, Derek Dark Days; ePub Edition (eBook)
Landy, Derek Death Bringer; ePub Edition (eBook)
Landy, Derek The Faceless Ones; ePub Edition (eBook)
Landy, Derek Kingdom of the Wicked (eBook)
Landy, Derek The Maleficent Seven; ePub Edition (eBook)
Landy, Derek Mortal Coil (eBook)
Landy, Derek Playing With Fire; ePub Edition (eBook)
Landy, Derek Skulduggery Pleasant (eBook)
Landy, Derek Skulduggery Pleasant: Audio Collection Books 4-6: The Death Bringer Trilogy; Dark Days, Mortal Coil, Death Bringer (eAudioBook)
Landy, Derek Skulduggery Pleasant: Audio Collection Books 7-9: The Darquesse Trilogy; Kingdom of the Wicked, Last Stand of Dead Men, The Dying of the Light (eAudioBook)
Langan, John The Fisherman; A Chilling Supernatural Horror Epic (eBook)
Langan, Sarah The Missing (eBook)
Langan, Sarah The Keeper (eBook)
Lawrence, Mark The Book That Broke the World (eBook)
Lawrence, Mark The Book That Broke the World (eAudioBook)
Lawrence, Mark The Book That Wouldn't Burn (eAudioBook)
Lebbon, Tim Among the Living (eBook)
Lindstein, Mariette Shadow of Fog Island; ePub edition (eBook)
Lindstein, Mariette Fog Island; Unabridged edition (eAudioBook)
Lindstein, Mariette Shadow of Fog Island; Unabridged edition (eAudioBook)
Linsmeier, Amanda Starlings (eBook)
Lockwood, Ryan Below (eBook)
London, J. A. After Daybreak (eBook)
London, J. A. Blood-Kissed Sky; A Darkness Before Dawn Novel (eBook)
London, J. A. Darkness Before Dawn (eBook)
Lovecraft, H.P. The Call of Cthulhu and Other Stories (eAudioBook)
Lovecraft, H.P. The Complete H.P. Lovecraft Collection (eBook)
Lovecraft, HP The Short Stories of HP Lovecraft; Searchers After Horror Haunt Strange, Far Places. (eBook)
Lovecraft, HP The Short Stories of HP Lovecraft, Vol. 2 (eBook)
Mains, Johnny Best British Horror 2014 (eBook)
Marchant, Clare The House of the Witch (eBook)
Mariani, Scott G. The Cross; ePub edition (eBook)
Martin, T. Michael The End Games (eBook)
Mason, Amanda The Hiding Place (eAudioBook)
Mason, Amanda The Wayward Girls (eBook)
Masterton, Graham Black Angel (eBook)
Masterton, Graham Drought; A Californian Environmental Disaster Thriller (eBook)
Masterton, Graham Ghost Virus (eBook)
Masterton, Graham Heirloom (eBook)
Masterton, Graham Plague (eBook)
Masterton, Graham Prey (eBook)
Masterton, Graham Ritual (eBook)
Masterton, Graham Spirit (eBook)
Masterton, Graham The Children God Forgot (eBook)
Masterton, Graham The Devils of D-Day (eBook)
Masterton, Graham The Hymn (eBook)
Masterton, Graham The Shadow People (eBook)
Masterton, Graham Unspeakable (eBook)
Masterton, Graham Walkers (eBook)
Masterton, Graham What Hides in the Cellar (eBook)
Masterton, Graham The Chosen Child (eBook)
Masterton, Graham Death Trance (eBook)
Masterton, Graham Descendant (eAudioBook)
Masterton, Graham The House of a Hundred Whispers (eBook)
Masterton, Graham The Sphinx (eBook)
Masterton, Graham Tengu (eBook)
McCabe, Patrick Winterwood (eAudioBook)
McDonald, Megan Stink and the Shark Sleepover (eBook)
McGill, C. E. Our Hideous Progeny (eBook)
Myers, JoAnne Wicked Intentions (eBook)
Nesbo, Jo The Night House (eBook)
North, Alex The Shadow Friend (eBook)
Oates, Joyce Carol A Darker Shade; New Stories of Body Horror From Women Writers (eBook)
Orlando, Carissa The September House (eBook)
O¿Donoghue, Caroline All Our Hidden Gifts (eBook)
Parker, R. J. The Good Neighbour (eBook)
Patterson, William The Inn (eBook)
Peacock, N V Little Bones; Unabridged edition (eAudioBook)
Peluso, Angelo Mount Misery; A Novel (eBook)
Pessl, Marisha Darkly (eBook)
Pike, Aprilynne One Day More; A Life After Theft Novella (eBook)
Poe, Edgar Allan The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories (eAudioBook)
Poe, Edgar Allen Tales of Mystery and Imagination (eBook)
Poston, Ashley The Seven Year Slip; Unabridged edition (eAudioBook)
Poston, Ashley The Seven Year Slip; ePub edition (eBook)
Preston, Natasha The Party (eBook)
Purcell, Laura Bone China (eBook)
Purcell, Laura The Silent Companions; A Ghost Story (eBook)
Ransom, S. C. The Beneath (eBook)
Reid, Iain I'm Thinking of Ending Things (eBook)
Rice, Morgan Before Dawn (eBook)
Rice, Morgan Betrothed (eBook)
Rickman, Phil Candlenight (eBook)
Rickman, Phil December (eBook)
Rickman, Phil Friends of the Dusk (eAudioBook)
Rickman, Phil The Chalice (eBook)
Rickman, Phil The House of Susan Lulham (eAudioBook)
Rickman, Phil The Man in the Moss (eBook)
Rickman, Phil The Fever of the World (eAudioBook)
Rickman, Phil Night After Night (eBook)
Rickman, Phil All of a Winter's Night (eAudioBook)
Roberts, Nora The Mirror (eAudioBook)
Roberts, Nora Inheritance (eAudioBook)
Rosens, C. M. The Crows (eBook)
Rosens, C. M. Thirteenth (eBook)
Roux, Madeleine Catacomb (eBook)
Rowling, J.K. The Hogwarts Library Collection; The Complete Harry Potter Hogwarts Library Books (eAudioBook)
Ruff, Matt Lovecraft Country (eAudioBook)
Ryan, W. C. A House of Ghosts; A gripping murder mystery set in a haunted house (eAudioBook)
Ryder, Kate Secrets of the Mist; A Timeslip Romance to Warm Your Heart (eBook)
Sedgwick, Helen Where the Missing Gather (eBook)
Sedgwick, Helen What Doesn't Break Us (eBook)
Shan, Darren The Demonata 6-10 ; Demon Apocalypse/ Death's Shadow/ Wolf Island/ Dark Calling/ Hell's Heroes (eBook)
Shelley, Mary Frankenstein (eAudioBook)
Shelton, Dave Thirteen Chairs (eBook)
Showalter, Gena Alice in Zombieland (eBook)
Showalter, Gena Through the Zombie Glass (eBook)
Siggins, Gerard Rugby Rebel; Discovering History - Uncovering Mystery (eBook)
Steiner, Barbara The Calling (eBook)
Steiner, Barbara The Dance (eBook)
Steiner, Barbara The Dreamstalker (eBook)
Steiner, Barbara Ghost Cave (eBook)
Steiner, Barbara The Mummy (eBook)
Steiner, Barbara Spring Break (eBook)
Steven, Laura The Society for Soulless Girls; Unabridged edition (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Escape from HorrorLand (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Ghost Next Door (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Haunted Mask (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Help! We Have Strange Powers! (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Monster Blood (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Night of the Living Dummy (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Night of the Living Dummy 2 (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. One Day at Horrorland (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Return of the Mummy (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Say Cheese - And Die Screaming! (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Say Cheese and Die! (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Scarecrow Walks at Midnight (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Stay Out of the Basement (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Vampire Breath (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Welcome to Camp Slither (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Welcome to Dead House (eAudioBook)
Stine, R. L. Werewolf of Fever Swamp (eAudioBook)
Stine, R.L. Let's Get Invisible! (eBook)
Stine, R.L. Night of the Living Dummy (eBook)
Stine, R.L. Say Cheese And Die! (eBook)
Stine, R.L. The Ghost Next Door (eBook)
Stine, R.L. Welcome to Dead House (eBook)
Stine, R.L. Dear Diary, I'm Dead (eBook)
Stine, R.L. Don't Forget Me! (eBook)
Stine, R.L. Liar Liar (eBook)
Stine, R.L. Locker 13 (eBook)
Stine, R.L. My Name is Evil (eBook)
Stine, R.L. They Call Me Creature (eBook)
Stoker, Bram Dracula; Starring David Suchet and Tom Hiddleston (eAudioBook)
Stone, Lisa The Murder Room (eBook)
Taylor, Jodi Dark Light (eAudioBook)
Taylor, Jodi White Silence (eAudioBook)
Thomas, Cari Shadowstitch (eBook)
Thomas, Cari Threadneedle (eBook)
Thorne, Tamara Bad Things (eBook)
Thorsson, Johann Whitesands; A Chilling and Compelling Supernatural Crime Novel (eBook)
Toon, Francine Pine (eAudioBook)
Tremblay, Paul Horror Movie (eBook)
Tremblay, Paul Horror Movie (eAudioBook)
Tremblay, Paul The Beast You Are; Stories (eBook)
Tremblay, Paul The Cabin at the End of the World (eAudioBook)
Tremblay, Paul The Cabin at the End of the World (eBook)
Tremblay, Paul Disappearance at Devil's Rock (eAudioBook)
Tremblay, Paul Disappearance at Devil's Rock (eBook)
Tremblay, Paul Growing Things and Other Stories (eAudioBook)
Tremblay, Paul A Head Full of Ghosts (eAudioBook)
Tremblay, Paul A Head Full of Ghosts (eBook)
Tremblay, Paul The Pallbearers Club (eAudioBook)
Tremblay, Paul The Pallbearers' Club (eBook)
Tremblay, Paul Survivor Song (eBook)
Tremblay, Paul Survivor Song (eAudioBook)
Tudor, C. J. The Gathering (eBook)
Tudor, C. J. The Drift (eBook)
Tudor, C. J. A Sliver of Darkness (eBook)
Valentine, Danielle Delicate Condition (eBook)
Various, A Very Murderous Christmas (eBook)
Vincent, Rachel If I Die ; ePub First edition (eBook)
Vincent, Rachel My Soul to Keep ; ePub First edition (eBook)
Vincent, Rachel My Soul to Take ; ePub First edition (eBook)
Ward, Catriona Looking Glass Sound (eBook)
Ward, Catriona Sundial (eBook)
Wesolowski, Matt Beast (eBook)
Wesolowski, Matt Changeling (eBook)
Wesolowski, Matt Hydra (eBook)
Wesolowski, Matt Six Stories (eBook)
Wesolowski, Matt Six Stories Collection (eBook)
Weston, Danny Mr Sparks (eBook)
Weston, Danny The Piper (eBook)
Weston, Danny Scarecrow (eBook)
White, Kiersten The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein (eAudioBook)
Williams, Eloise Seaglass (eBook)
Williams, Erik Demon (eBook)
Williams, Katie Absent (eBook)
Wooding, Chris The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray (eBook)
Wright, Iain Rob The Gates (eBook)
Young, Laura Kat The Butcher (eBook)